Home > Drastic measure to have peace of mind

Drastic measure to have peace of mind

April 11th, 2008 at 04:42 am

I don't know what I was thinking when I did that but I did it to finally be in peace.

I was having an argument with my dad over the phone bill. He always asks me to pay on the internet because he assumes I will know how. I told him that I don't know how and I wish him to switch the account over to me so I can pay by myself. When I pay him the phone bill and we finally switch to my name. He got another phone bill and yells at me because I open the cellphone in USA to look at the time which cost me 30$! I told him that I just open the phone to check the time and my dad keeps whining about it. So I was finally fed up with all this crap about money so I gave him all the money that I have left to spend which was 400$ so he could get the message that I had enought.

Why did I do that? I just want to be left alone. I can't take it anymore. A lot of my arguments with my parents have to do with me is money, A lot of things that has to do with our argument is money and I had it. When I gave him 400$, I felt at peace at last because I have made a statement. Although, I was crying because I felt like my freedom was taken away from me but I feel more peace in my mind.

How did my dad react? Did he take the money? My dad didn't react much and he took the money. How shameful. I gave him the bill that was last month and he has the nerve to tell me: You're going to pay it on the internet by yourself. I'm like: With what? I gave you ALL the money that I have left over. What more do you want? He just said nothing.

I also decide not to work at my dad place anymore. I explained to my cousin over the phone that almost the arguments that I've been receiving is always about money. So I prefer to concentrate on my studies for now.He is okay with that and I'm happy that he understands better than my dad.

How is my first day without money? It was good. I know that I won't be able to afford anything since I have no money.

Will I go back to work? Definitetly. Probably over the summer or something. If I learn that I can live without money then I will stash all the cash away.

How will my dad react when I get a job? He will probably say : So where's your money? Gosh... Just thinking about it just drive me nuts. I want to get out... If I stay in this house with my dad giving me confusing message, I might end up seeing a psychologist or something. I should move out... I should move out...

1 Responses to “Drastic measure to have peace of mind”

  1. Amber Says:

    I am sorry to hear about you and your dad's arguement, but I am also gald that you are feeling better. Believe me the money that you gave him you will make back in no time and 3 times as much and he will lose that amount plus some. Things always work out like that. I remeber my ex had me to buy some tickets to an event that cost $50 well he never paid me and was dodging me, anyhow the following week his car (the company he worked for) was towed costing him about $150 (3x as much as what I spent) about karma
    Regarding a job, get one when you are ready; don't jump the gun...take your time. As far as moving, take your time think things through...good luck

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