January 23rd, 2009 at 06:17 pm
Posted in
My voyage
January 23rd, 2009 at 03:06 am
I did not do anything stupid these past few days due to depression lol... More like spending time with my friends and my boyfriend.
For my challenge, I spend a little of it on clothes a week ago so I am good for now. My mutual funds have the biggest loss, I lost 2000$ dollars due to the recession so I am down to 5200$. My money in the bank has dropped significantly. Since I had 7200$ in mutual funds before, I will not included it in my challenge money. Who knows what will happend with the rest of the money this year... Hopefull, I will let it sit there and wait till it goes up. I don't need the money right now or in the near future.
Next Monday, I am starting my 4th semester in College. I am very excited to go back... I am getting really bored of having one month and a half of vacation now... Can't wait to go back. Not to mention, I have a nice schedule this semester. I cleaned my room and the bathroom today. I'm very happy at the result... My room look very welcoming. There's a few box here and there that I need to get rid of. For now, I guess I am just going to rest and think about it tomorrow.
Since last Friday, I did not spend anything other than a dinner and a movie with a friend I haven't seen for awhile. I watched the Unborn and the movie was pretty good. The plot actually make sense.
My next trip this summer is London for one to two weeks, 70% of chance that I'm going. If my savings go well or I don't plan on taking any summer courses. I have saved 500$ so far for the trip and I need approximatly another 1500$ for it. Hopefully, it will go well. I hope...
I know I keep changing my challenge money... I still have a lot of trips to do with my money lol.
Pictures of my trip in China will be posted soon!
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Me,myself and I,
$20 Challenge,
My voyage
January 14th, 2009 at 05:54 am
It's official, I have the proof that my dad doesn't trust his own daughter. He opened my credit card enveloppe today and he dares to give me back open. What the hell...
I have made some big purchases last month and this month. I got the feeling he thinks I am in big debt or I'm stealing his money or something. When clearly, I saved for my money for a long time and I work really hard for my own money.
What's the matter? He doesn't want to communicate anymore. Then fine. He will eventually accused me of something in the future, that's what I am waiting for. Yes I spent a lot lately, the money which was supposed to be for the rent and everything. I spent them on clothes. Do I have a spending fever lately? Yes probably. Do I have a spending problem? No. Why do I buy so much clothes? Because I feel like it and I buy what I like.
Eventually, I have made some stupid purchases which I can return them. I probably spend that much to get rid of some feelings like being worthless in my family but that is temporary like usual.
I am getting back on the saving wagon by saving my recent tips and taxes money. I have 92.25$ on tax refund, I have 60$ on tips. All this for London. I have approximatle 7200$ in mutual funds and 630$ now in my bank account. I bought some things with my cousin today which will be pay back on the stupid purchases I made online.
I have... Canceled my beauty product online and I'm opting for the counter product so I am saving 48.90 every two months. My acne was never bad to start with after college. I am using spectrogel to clean my skin and I will eat more healthy by drinking more water and eating more fruits. I look through my closet and see what I can buy to add more flavors in my closet, with the recent purchases. I bought things such as two (black and brown) belts, a pair of skinny jeans and a blazer to complete my wardrobe. They are all discounts for 50% to 75% off. I do have concious but I need to work on controlling my spending.
I'm sorry if I failed on saving... Maybe I need to see someone because I felt like even my boyfriend has given up on me about my problems. Nobody to listen to me because they are busy with their life. I probably need a therapy session.
One thing for sure, I am not turning crazy. More like emotionally depressed right now. I do not regret most of my purchases but spending the money.
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Me,myself and I
January 9th, 2009 at 05:52 am
Hey everyone! I'm back from Canada since last Saturday. My return was not as I expected...
First my flatmate did a huge mess in the appartment, did not do much to get a fridge, oven and a dryer machine like she told me. In general, she did not do anything but work and go out. Not to mention she told me we are going to move to the basement because the owner said he can't let us stay upstairs. It got kinda complicated and school is going to start in two weeks. With nothing done and the appartment looking disgusting, I wanted to go home because I realized I wasn't ready to deal with all this and with a really irresponsible flatmate.. It was hard for me to go back because I know what will happen but my boyfriend's mom gave me courage to call my dad and tell him I'm coming back.
My dad lets me come back yesterday with all my stuff. Though, today my parents were being really irrational again. I don't know where to start off. My mom and dad predicted my future about being the crazy bitch later in life like my aunt (Dad's big sister) because I am so different from everyone. I'm sorry but predicting my future about being a crazy bitch? That is going borderline. I did not do anything to them. I bought plastic boxes to organize my stuff in my room because it's getting messy and I spend it with my money. I told them to please not talk about my purchases but they keep whining about it.
Yes I have anger problems with them but they should know very well to watch their words sometimes and not tell me what I am thinking. I tried talking with my dad but it got emotional and even when I calm down and talk to him normally. He would not listen to me but expect me to listen to him. I made a mistake going out on my own yes but he told me that I did not listen to him and he knows more than me. What he is trying to say is... I would not make that kind of mistake if I listen to him. If I didn't make that kind of mistake, I wouldn't realized how really hard living on my own is and I wouldn't realized how much opportunities I have in the future... We all take our life for granted. When I learned all this, they just give me more crap like usual. One big mistake and I am a crazy bitch. Even if I tell my parents all this, they would just keep on lecturing me how they are older and wiser. I understand their culture but just leave me alone! I want to be trusted for once in my life for god sake! Even the people in China tells my parents to trust us more and let us do mistakes. All they reply is: But they always reply back when we talk to them! Even giving us money in China, my dad uses it to control our spending. I got my own money from work so I didn't complain.
Me being different from everyone. I think my mom is confusing everyone with her entourage. She does not know what people think outside of her workplace which mostly consist of family members. I did not take her seriously anymore since our trip in China. A great deal is hypocrisy and an ignorant point of view about life in Canada. Once she gets out of Chinatown or maybe never, she will realizes that the real world is not what she thinks. I am not accepted from my whole family other than my cousins because they live in a bubble and choose not to understand the outside world other than their own. I know my parents have greater knowledge about life than I do but I am learning and I want to make mistakes sometimes, it just makes me stronger in life. What they also don't know is that I still have their values, just that I show my western values more than my asian values.
Anyways, I will talk about my trip later on and what I learn in China. I'm going to organized my room and probably take a picture of the change I made in my wardrobe.
Here a few pictures of a dog I took in Hong Kong:

Funny face:
Posted in
My voyage
January 1st, 2009 at 07:11 am
I just arrived from Vancouver on December 31st around 8 am and I am having a jet lag throughout the day. I went to sleep at 2pm and woke up at 7pm. Still tired... And it's now 10 pm... I can go to the countdown in a club or something tonight since I am officially legal here. I remember when I was 16, I was completly left out of the fun for all the 19 years and up activities. The older students in my summer school didn't like hanging out with me because I was a immature kids and they can't bring me everywhere. Ha! Now I am 19!
I spent a month and a half in Vancouver when I was 16 and I know more than half of the places already. My dad asked me if I visit Vancouver major attraction places, I said yes. My dad asked me if I visit Victoria ville and Whistler yet. I said yes to both. Tomorrow, I am going to Seattle for the New Year and the day after, I'm going to visit the places I visit before.
So yeah... I'm off to bed right now ^.^! I wish you all the best for this year to come and good luck for all your future goals!
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My voyage
December 25th, 2008 at 06:11 am
Heeey everybody! I am in Xiamen, my mom's hometown. I am staying two more days here then I'm off to Hong Kong.
Guangzhou was great! I didn't take much pictures because I was scared that people will steal my camera. There's so much people there! It's a vibrant city and I see a lot of foreigners at this time of the year. Since it's Christmas time, the people in Guangzhou all went out of city to visit their relatives. There's a lot of people from Europe and I was surprise to see many Africains there. I stayed in a 6 stars hotel call Garden Hotel in a VIP room, we are about five in the room. Supposely it's cheaper to stay there than to stay in a standard room on holiday days. Let's just say, we are not comfortable being so many in a room... Haha... xD
I came to Xiamen two days ago... It has been great so far. Though, shopping here is a ripoff so I didn't buy much... Hahaha... Stuff in Xiamen is about 50% cheaper than Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou. Mostly because they are made of poorer quality.
My first day in Xiamen, I didn't do much. We are living at my dad's big old place on the country side. The inside of the house is pretty cold because there's no heater and it is mostly made of stone. The house looks like... What you see in a Chinese movie LOL. I have to take some pictures before I leave.
My second day, I went shopping at a mall. We went to a store... It's similair to Wal-Mart, they have everything there. They also sell live animal such as turtle, crabs, fishes and snakes.
Today, I went to my mom's relatives place. They brought me to an outside market where they sell all kind of food. The road is shared with walkers and motorcycles. I keep hearing motorcycles beeping every seconds although it's a way to tell the people who are walking to becareful. Also, I came back to my relatives place in motorcycle. It was my first time that I sat in a motorcycle, I feel so free!!
That's about it... The bad news I have so far is that my mom keeps bugging my brother and me about little things. She treats us like little kids. This morning when my aunt gave me a tissus paper, before I say thank you. My mom asks me what I should say after I receive my tissus paper. I mean... Hello?! I am 19 years old and I know how to say thank you and I always say that! We always have to argue with her because she loves to speak on our behalf and she treats us like we know nothing in an insulting way. I see how she is when she feels powerless in places that she doesn't know and she relies on my dad most of the time. Once she knows where she is and everything, she acts like she's all that. One thing that I hate is that she can be such a hypocrite, she is bitchy with us but when in front of other people, she acts like a good mother. That's my complain so far. My dad sometimes doesn't think twice before he talks... When it comes to make a joke out of it with my brother and me, it is quite funny... xD
That's all for now. I wish you all Merry Christmas!
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My voyage
December 21st, 2008 at 01:58 am
I was in Hong Kong last Saturday till Monday, Macau on Monday till Wednesday. Since Wednesday, I am near Guangdzou in a hot spring resort. It's my last day here and I am going to Guangdzou for two days, after I'm going to my mom's hometowm to visit relatives there.
My trip has been amazing so far, I've been to many places and I took a lot of pictures. Will upload them once I come back from my trip. Parents gave my brother and me money to buy a few things. I've been using it to buy clothes hehe.. Their selection of winter clothes are amazing in Hong Kong and Macau! Everything is on sale right now so I get them for 50% off the original price. Basically, I am paying clothes around the 10$ to 40$ range.
Today, I check my marks this semester and I failed Calculus II by 51%. I am staying optimistic and I will surely pass this semester that is coming. I hope to pick a good teacher this time.
Well guys... I'll get back to you guys on my trip if I get internet connection in Guangdzou or in my mom's hometown. I'll probably be in Hong Kong when I write my next post hihi... ^.^
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My voyage
December 9th, 2008 at 05:23 am
Well I haven't talk to my parents since last Friday. My parents ask my aunt to give me the message that whenever I need money, they will give me money when I need it. They don't want me to drop out of school... Well not like I plan to anyways.
So yeah... I got their support indirectly. I find it cowardly to ask my aunt to tell me that.
My mom was pissed for no reason yesterday because she assumed I didn't give back the luggages or something. She came to my room at midnight by opening the door with force and she just stares at me like she wanted to kill me. One of the reason why I don't like living in this house, my mom gets angry for no big deal.
Anyways... I moved all my stuff in my new appartment. Some stuff remain in my room but for now, I am going to wait till Wednesday to move out for sleep there. Hopefully, some stuff will be ready. For now, I am just going to study hard for my three final tests this week.
This Saturday to come, I am going to China. I won't be hanging out too much with my parents. We never get along when we are together. My mom spends her time caring what other people think of us and she criticized us. My dad likes to say random things wherever we go on a trip, like our trip to Florida almost two years ago. He talks bad on random people back on the street, restaurant... You name it. So yeah, my dad learns we need to go on our separated ways on some places like Hong Kong.
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Me,myself and I
December 6th, 2008 at 05:09 am
I went to my appartment a few hours ago to put my things in and my flatmate let me choose which of the three rooms I want. I decided on the yellow room instead because it's so joyful and welcoming. I also like the pink and green room but it is not really my style. As for settling in, some things in the appartment are not yet install so I need to wait a few more days before I can settle in.
My dad keeps telling me that rent is expensive and he won't help me or give me any money. I already knew that part and that living by myself or with my flatmate is not easy at all. My mom badmouthes behind my back a few minutes ago with my brother saying that I trust people too much, my temper is so fierce that I will get beat up some days, as the days go by I become stupid and all that negative things.My brother just says : uuumm... He understands why I am leaving this house, parents are the main reasons why I want to leave.
Being Chinese leaving a house at age 19, especially for a girl is in a way... Controversial. There's so much negative things about moving out at a young age, especially when I am still in school. Whatever is the case, I need to cope with this. I have to do what I think is best for me. It may not seem like I have any Chinese values in me but... I've been taught it in a negative ways. My parents are too traditional and too close mind.
I am going to have difficulty in reuniting my family and not take them for granted for the first few days or weeks or even months. They just have this negative impressions on moving out. I can't even talk to them about it in a calm and respectful ways, I get insulted instead. My parents think they know me and how I will end up in the future. Well, I understand their point of view because I used to think like that. They can't see any positive sides of it because they've never got out of their comfort zone.
I say... Let the controversy begins. I am Chinese and I am moving out!
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My sweet future
December 4th, 2008 at 06:11 pm
I'm going to prepare my things tomorrow before 5pm. My friend asked her boyfriend's father to lend the moving truck to move my things. My family knows that I am moving out, my mom was quiet and she looks hurt today...
Well I can't do much. They took everything for granted until it's too late. I guess everybody does that in some ways... Anyways, I feel bad for hurting my parents but they have to understand that I need my own space, have my own life and... Just support me.I guess all I need for now is trust which they almost never do.
I talk with a coworker who knows a lot about appartment. She is going to talk to the owner about some things. With my flatmate, she just trusts people too much without asking any questions such as if he is going to come to the office often or something like that. Since I don't see the owner that much, I asked my flatmate to ask those questions but she always forgets to ask when he is there. she is kinda irresponsable in some ways... When it comes to ponctuality and remembering something... She is really really bad at it. She makes me worry sometimes but one thing for sure, when it comes to paying rent, she will have the money. Anyways, I need to talk to her tomorrow and established some rules. I know that things will change once we move in together.
Two things I will be expecting from her, she will be going out often and her friends will come over often. Of course, I won't let them come in when I have studying to do.
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My sweet future
December 2nd, 2008 at 05:14 am
My dad is hoping that I will give up by not helping me in anything.
Well I don't care, I am moving out. My dad will pay for my education like he said but the rest, he doesn't want to hear about it. That's fine with me.
I talked with my friend who I am going to live with. She told me the owner told her that we can have the key to the appartment right away. We decided on a date to move... Well, I want to move out this Friday or next Wednesday. Since I have prepared some stuff already, why not move out soon. I have stopped spending too much since I know I am going to move out soon.
Well... I have to see what my first month budget will look like. I hope that it will a great experience for me. I know I have to pay 325$ every month. This amount included everything like water, heat, trash fee,internet and all the basic applicances... Even couches for our living room, a double bed/sofa, a single bed, a refrigerator,etc. You get what I mean?!!! =O All we need to pay is our cellphone bill, food, electricity, bus pass, entertainment,etc. The owner might install a satellite cable for the whole building. OMG... We are so lucky.
My friend is going to ask the owner if he is going to come often to our appartment --> Office thingy tomorrow. Oh yeah. We also have to watch his little daughter (15 years old) and maybe his dog from time to time LOL. That will be cool. His daughter is very sweet, I saw her a couple of times at my workplace and she gets along very well with her dad.
So I gave my friend 160$ for the rent last week. I don't know if I have to pay the full rent price or not. Since I am going to China, I might pay a part of the 325$. Since I am comming back sooner than expected. Around the 31st or 1st January, I will work more. Hopefully, it will work out xD.
This will go to my sweet future category. It is a great experience for my friend and I.
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My sweet future
November 30th, 2008 at 12:56 am
Today, I went with my friend to see an appartment that a collegue (Let's called her B) from work suggested my friend. The guy who own the building is a friend of B and he gave us a very good price for the appartment.
The appartment is pretty big, there's a big salon, a normal size kitchen, there's one master bedroom and one relatively big bedroom and a small bedroom. The bathroom is small but I can live with that. We have all the things included like oven, dishwasher, washing machine, a dryer, sofas for the living room with a TV, a single bed and the guy is repairing everything in the apartment even repainting the wall. Basically, we only pay electricity or water (Don't remember which one), our cellphone, food and all personal expenses. Internet will be included also.
Reason why we have it so cheap is because he wants to use a part of our appartment as his office. Meaning, he uses a bedroom and turn it into an office. He's going to need a wireless internet and he said we can use it for free.
The location is EXCELLENT. It's near many grocery stores, blockbuster, many bus stops... Not to mention... It's 10 minutes of walk from my boyfriend's house!! What a deal!
So yeah... I talk with my friend who I'm living with in the future and we agree that this deal is sweet. The owner of the building ordered coffee from our workplace many times a day so he is our regular client... LOL By the way, he has a dog named Princess and it's a Tibetian dog. She is sooo adorable! She runs everywhere and she loves when we play with her.
The date that we are moving will be on the 15th of December. Although on the 13th of December, I'm going to China and I'm comming back on the 5th of January. My friend told me I can just pay 150$ for the rent since I'm not going to be there the whole month.
I calculated the monthly cost that I will be expecting to pay:
- Rent: 325$
- Bus pass: 45$
- Phone bill: 45$
- Beauty: 25$ (Will reduced the amount soon)
- Insurance for the appartment: $15-??/month
I'm going to expect other things but for now... This is what I'm going to be paying.
So yeah... I'll talk more about it later on. =D
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Me,myself and I
November 29th, 2008 at 04:41 am
Today, my cousin wants me to come shopping with her because she told me Montreal is trying to make a Black Friday like the US. I was curious about it so I went to check it out. I also return the sweater I bought two or three weeks ago.
The sales are not that good. I told my cousin that the Red Day is like peanut to the US. I bought nothing except two sweaters brushers for 14$. I don't really like walking in St-Catherine, because the clothes look all the same and the stores are all mainstream. Not to mention, they are overprice for nothing. My cousin doesn't like it when I whine... But hey, I didn't feel like shopping today because I'm super tired from my hectic week in school. I didn't need anything in particular, just some sweaters. Though, they are still expensive and not warm enought.
Anyways, I don't think I'm going to be shopping for any clothes till the end of term. I'm going to China and I hope to find nice sweaters at very good price.
What can I say about the Red Day? It was not a success. Everything remains expensive and the crowd is not big.Boxing day is better.
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Me,myself and I
November 26th, 2008 at 04:11 am
I made my final decision now. I am going to move out come January and move in with a collegue at my workplace. She has the same age as me and she is only two days older than me. We both have similair family problems and similair goals.
Today, I went to eat with my dad, brother and sister to a restaurant. I figure it's a good time to tell him about me moving for real. As usual, he didn't take it easily and tell me that it doesn't make any sense and etc. I told him the reasons but less in details because you know... He wouldn't understand.
Since our point of view on this subject is different, I just leave it as simple as it is. He refused to help me in any ways except paying for my books for school. He tries to discourage me but I made it my final decision with my friend at work. I am simply not happy in my house and with everything going on so far. I think it's time for a new atmosphere... A new change and possibly, a way for me to grow up. I've been dying for something challenging.
The place that I am going to be living will be in the South Shore of Montreal. I prefer to stay in the Suburbs where it is less expensive and quieter. I hope to live near the bus station. That way, I will be close to my boyfriend's house, close to Montreal, close to take the buses to school and everything. The place near the bus station is unexpensive when I live with someone of course. I'm crossing my fingers that it will work out and I will find a nice place!
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Me,myself and I
November 25th, 2008 at 02:40 am
Yesterday at 9pm, I went to eat at O Noir restaurant with a friend.
It was a terrifying experience... I was eating my three courses meal in the dark without knowing if I finish my meal or not. I have to describe it in details... Hehe...
My friend and I went to the restaurant a little before 9 pm. The entrance is really small and a lot of people are waiting for their table. We check our coats in a little locker and we got in front of the counter to choose what we want. I chose the entry meal, main course and a dessert. My friend chose a entry meal and a main course. We have the choice between having a surprise entry meal, main course or dessert. I chose a surprise entry meal and a main course. The dessert, I choose the Venise chocolate cake. I am not too fond of the other dessert available so I want to avoid getting a dessert that I don't like.
After choosing what we want, we waited for our waiter. When the waiter came to get us, I had to put my hand on his left shoulder and my friend put his hands on my shoulder to go into the dark room. It was pretty scary and I was afraid of tripping into something or someone =S... Went we arrive at our table, the waiter instructed us where our table and chair are located.
The first thing our waiter gave us was two pieces of bread. I have this phobia of people touching me in the dark. Whenever my friend touched me, I jump and slap his hand. It was pretty funny... For him... LOL
My main entry was two pieces of ravioli. I had a hard time eating it... LOL To make sure I finish my ravioli, I put my hand on the plate. It was something that I never think of doing when I could see my meal but damn... It's so hard to eat when you can see nothing!! xD
My main course, I also have a hard time eating it. I was picking on my plate with my fork. I tried just using the folk to eat all my meals till the end, I tried grabbing my potato and it keeps running away from me. I gave us so I used my hand instead LOL.
For dessert, my friend did a trick on me. He took my plate away from me while I was eating my dessert. I tried grabbing a piece and when I grab nothing after two minutes, I thought I accidently flatten my cake.
While eating my food, there was a orchestra playing in the dark. Everybody was cheering and talking. Having a good time in the dark. The music they played was pretty good hehe... Also, it was someone birthday. We heard chant and there was a little light at the end of the room.
Sorry I have to write this quick, I have homework to do hehe... So yeah. We were the last to get out of the room. We got back to the main entrance... My eyes were shock to the light lol. I had a hard time adjusting myself to the light and everything for about two minutes.
The meal came at 75.34$ and my friend paid the tips. Overall, I had a great time. It really helps me understand how blind people live and I find them courageous to live their life like that. All the waiters are blind and they manage to have this outgoing personality. They manage to be pretty funny and talkative. There's no stain or anything on my clothes and I am pretty surprise that I made it through the three courses. Oh yeah... The food was good! Worth the money!
Anyways, I gotta go do my homework. ^.^
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Me,myself and I
November 22nd, 2008 at 05:04 pm
It's my second posts of the day... Yeah. I am having a lot of depression lately. Probably thats why I feel useless somehow. Probably that's why I spend irrationally sometimes. Probably why I spend so much time on the computer listening to music. I just want to get out of this world.
My mom is cold with me, my dad is oversensitive about everything and my brother trying to put me down so he could feel better about himself. Worst of all, I feel like I don't have any worth in this family.
Last thursday, my mom took my sandals to my aunt. It's not the first time she does that to me so I was not happy about it. When I talked to my mom about it in a normal way (I was annoyed a little), my mom was super aggressive with me and accused me of being too oversensitive about it. I just want to tell her next time to just buy extra sandals for visitors, that way,I won't have any surprise... Meaning I won't find anyone with my sandals. She invents all sort of excuses as to why she can't buy an extra sandals for the visitors so I just gave up. I just told her that it's common sense that's all.
She did all sort of things to me in the past that hurt me so much. Even when I cry in front of her, she would just make things worst by telling my dad to yell at me again. I still remember two years or so ago, my aunt came over unexpectantly and slept on my bed with her son. When I came back from work and I was looking forward to sleep on my bed, I found my aunt on my bed and I learned that I have to sleep on the floor in the fourth floor. I just feel so insulted and I feel like someone whom she can toss around to make room for someone else. She just cares about her image. Even at her workplace, everybody hates her because she thinks she's all that and she tries to kick some people out of the business (My dad's brothers) by doing things behind their back.
I think I am moving out. I don't care about traveling as much anymore... Just staying in this house make me feel more depressed. My dad will probably act like a jerk again. Insulting me and everything. When he is being an ass, you can't reason with him...
Posted in
Me,myself and I
November 22nd, 2008 at 03:11 pm
Both sides of my neck and my legs are so dry lately. Dermatologist said I have enzyma. Gosh... I have to get my medicine at the pharmacie today.
This year, I've been getting all kind of skin problems. Is it because of the weather?
When I went to Morocco beach where my friend's live. After going for a swim and exposing myself to the sun, my skin gets those red spot everyone. I have to see the doctor to see if I am allergic to salt water. I don't want to wait 4 hours... -.-" Here in Quebec, we are running short on doctors. So the waitline is really long. Since our health care system is practically free for everywhere (Thanks to our taxing system), people don't need to pay hundreds even thousands of dollars to see the doctor. Probably that's why all the doctors go to the United State, they privatize them and they get pay more than the doctors here. However, I don't like my dermatogolist. She looks burn out and she gets mad easily. I think I'm going to see another one.
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Me,myself and I
November 22nd, 2008 at 04:27 am
Today was one of those very rare moments where I spend up to 100$ in a day. No it's not clothes!
I bought a digital camera, an MP3 and some soaps for my body and oil blotter sheet.
It cost me in total 550$. Here a little break down of all this.
My Canon SD770IS camera: 199.99
A 4 GB memory card: 24.99$
Canon case: 30.99$
My blue 8BG Zune MP3: 149.99$
Insurance for my camera: 49.99$ (Garantie for 2 years, since I am going to be traveling more often from now on. I don't want to risk it from breaking unexpectantly. Since I am clumsy, I kinda want it...)
With tax, it comes out to 514.66$
I went to Clinique to buy acne soap. Since I am very sensitive to the parfums one my mom bought and I sweat alot=have a few acne on my body. The clinique works for me. I bought two of them because I don't want to go back once per two months to get it. Two of the soaps cost me 30$. I tried the oil blotter sheet there which cost me 17.99$. I haven't tried it yet but I heard good review about it so I'm going to try it out. Though, I'm likely going to China to buy them since they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.
Total with a 10% discount: I paid 49.27$
Total spend for the day: 563.93$
Also, I talk to my boyfriend about the Japan trip. He said he is going to take the Jet program. So... I am free to do whatever I want with the money for my Japan trip. Though I plan to spend some on my Challenge money to buy a camera and an MP3 player for awhile. It's been years that I've been thinking about buying a camera and mp3. Since I am no techno-pro here. I just bought whatever is in my price range and that I am satisfied with. I predict no big spending for the next weeks to come. Though, my challenge money will suffer a little bit.
Here goes:
Old amount: 9800$
Deducted: - 565$
New amount: 9235$
I am happy. No more fighting over the camera with my brother and dad. No more word called "Sharing" in the house with me. Since sharing is a very very dangerous word in the house because of my dad obviously, it's better not to share.
By the way, I envy you people from the United State. You guys get no taxes like 13.5%, get the best internet shopping selection and... get a lot of awesome coupons. There not much difference here when it comes to electronics, clothes and such. There's not much of big sales... Only little sales here and there. With the high taxes, we get most of the things paid such as health care, education and such. I feel lucky... Though not much for clothing and such. =(
We are starting to have outlet stores where I live and I bought awesome summer shoes last summer, 2 pairs of shoes for 30$!! We also have an outlet Ardene store where they sell 10 pairs of socks and + for 10$.
You can see pictures of my purchase that I took from the internet and I post it on my blog. I also took pictures of my outfit today. ^.^
Text is http://simple-n-satisfied.blogspot.com/ and Link is http://simple-n-satisfied.blogspot.com/
Posted in
Me,myself and I
November 20th, 2008 at 10:26 pm
I received my paycheck today which is 180$ and I'm going to return some stuff tomorrow which I will get 100$ back. Since I've been working less lately, I earn less.
Old amount: 9600$
+ 200$
New amount: 9800$
200$ to go!
I'm keeping 80$ to go eat dinner on Sunday with a friend. I promised to pay for his dinner since he paid for me last time. Hopefully, I will get leftover on this. I bring this much just in case it is expensive.
The restaurant I'm going to go eat is called O Noir. It's a restaurant where we sit in a dark room and we get served by blind servants. There's only one in Canada which is in Montreal.
Here the website:
Text is http://www.onoir.com/ and Link is http://www.onoir.com/
It is a little expensive but for an experience like this, I don't mind paying a little more for it. Hopefully, it will get my mind off of school and my family (Dad again).
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$20 Challenge,
Tina suggestion
November 20th, 2008 at 04:01 am
This week is getting really hectic. I have all kind of school work to do and a lot of exams. Arrrg... so stressful! Though, I'm hanging on. So far, I talked to my Calulus II teacher to postponed the test for next week if he can. He said he can do it for me... So yeah! I took this opportunity because I don't want to fail Cal II!!
Tomorrow will be a very busy day and I will be running everywhere. These past few days, it is getting harder to have a computer because everyone is using it for games, school works and etc. Arrg...
Oh yeah... I received my phone bill and they overcharge me on things that I didn't use. I couldn't reach to a representative today but I'm going to be calling them tomorrow again.
By the way, I have a NPD!! I'm happy I didn't spend any $$ on food today. xD
That's all I have to say. Have a good night =D !
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Me,myself and I
November 18th, 2008 at 07:18 pm
I'm not a fond believer of giving gifts in Christmas. That's why I don't put it in my priority list to save. I never celebrate Christmas or New Year with my parents because they are always working at this time of the year.
However, I only give birthday presents to those I truly care in my life.
Giving gifts at Christmas times is not celebrated in my family. I think it's great because we never associated Christmas with gifts, it's a holiday for us. Though, we don't celebrate it like everyone else in Canada because it's not our culture. Thank god I have my boyfriend's family side to celebrate with. xD Too bad I'm going to China this year... I won't get to celebrate my first Christmas with GuiGui. =O
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Me,myself and I
November 13th, 2008 at 01:32 am
I haven't post since October 19th. Well it was time well rested. Now I'm back to the saving mode.
My challenge money went up to 9600$. I put my paycheck there from working. Thus, my boyfriend decided to take a one year program to teach in Japan after getting his bachelor degree in University. I also think it will be less stress for him. Since we decided to go in 2011 and he has to save at least 10 000$ by working in summer. I guess it's better that he works there instead and I will visit him which will also reduce my traveling spending. It's not 100% sure yet. I am still glad that I save this much money though... I can go to another destination if I want. =P
I am going to China in one month and one day. I am also planning to go to New York with some friends next April. So... Plenty of traveling to come. I would like to buy a new camera. I can't share the camera with my dad because he is not the type of person you would like to share. Meaning, he takes full advantage of it even go as far as going to your stuff to find the camera when he needs it... Only time he asks me for the camera is when he can't find it.
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$20 Challenge
October 19th, 2008 at 09:01 pm
I took a day off from work today because I was feeling sick because of stress and everything. I'm done with my P.E class last week so I am down with five courses and three days of work this semester. Monday is the last day of mid-term but I have exams coming up this week to come.
This weekend in particular, I started thinking about my goal in life and why I am feeling depressed lately... I guess because my grades went down. I caused this to myself so I told my boss last Friday that I want Sunday off from now on. Next semester, I will only work once per week since I am taking 6 courses and I have to take this seriously. School is more important than having money right now. I guess some of the people you hang out with influence you... It did for me. I gotta stop this... and I should not have mercy on anybody. It's my life anyways...
I will come back when I am feeling better. Gotta find a way to balance my life out.
Posted in
Me,myself and I
October 10th, 2008 at 08:19 pm
I dislike asking my dad about something related to money.
Whenever we go out as a family and eat, he expects me to pay my part since I work. He always says don't you work? And I always reply: Well I don't expect this expense!
I pay for my own outings, my own clothes, my entertainment and my own trip (i.e Morocco). Oh not to mention I pay my own medication whenever I have problems... Oh and shots that I have to take which cost up to 60$ per shot because dear dad don't want me to get Hepetite B shots while it was free before I turn 18. Smart... Seriously. It was not written on my vaccination book and he just said: I remember you took them!! Don't need to!! He would whine about me having all sort of health problems... Is it my fault that I am more sensitive compare to my other siblings? Beside, I am the one paying for my own medications, why should he whine about it?
He literary abuses me when we pass by Tim Hortons. He would ask me: You got 50% discount there right? Let's go eat there. Oh... Not to mention I pay for his food!! Oh nice nice! I love to spend money on him and get abused. When we pass there, he would ask me to buy more than if he has to pay regular price. With my 50% off, he decides to be generous by inviting other people to eat with donuts, lots of coffee and etc. That's what he did when I first work there.
What I consider fair in him is that my brother and me get 50$/week to pay for our phone bill, our bus pass and everything else. I work part-time to earn extra money to be able to travel and to pay any extras that I want/need. I also pay him food at my workplace if I consider the situation ideal for it, meaning that the reasons to buy there is good enought. Not just, I decide not to eat at home because I can get food at my daughter workplace and she will pay for it. That's because she loves me that much. When does spending money = love ?!
About the asking money part. Well I don't ask him much. My brother asks him to pay this and that... You know those big expenses. Dad never complains since brother is 'oh so studying hard and not working' therefore, dad don't complain. When I didn't work for five months, dad still asks me to pay everything by myself while he is paying everything for my brother. That's why I avoid asking him money or else,he will get mad at me and claim I abused him. Though yesterday, for the first time for a long time, I asked if he can pay for my bed sheet set. He just gets mad at me. When I took the wrong size for my bed sheet, I asked if he can drive me there (Since it's far and it's super heavy). He gets really mad at me and yells at me for always taking the wrong size and he tells me to go there by myself. I reply back without yelling that I almost never ask him anything and when I do, I rarely took the wrong size of anything. I mean... What the hell is wrong with him? Why am I always the one getting yell at when I ask him for simple things? I just ask for a bed sheet and that's about it. While my brother and sister get all the luxury. I am the one that he stressing more about money than my other siblings. WHY ME??!!
Posted in
Me,myself and I
October 9th, 2008 at 04:04 am
I'm not a big saver... Well. I used to be but not anymore. I'm more in the middle I guess. Before, I used to be cheap now, I guess I am frugal? I don't try to save as much as I can... Though it would save me a bundle of $$. If only I can manage my time.
Well... Recently, I cut my hair today so I spend 25$. I bought fall/winter clothes online from a friend which cost me 142.20$ for five article of clothing. I'm going to receive it probably this Friday and I'm going to test the quality. If I judge the quality bad or if I don't like it on me, I will get my money back. So yeah... I have enought summer clothes to get me through but not enought winter clothes. Also... My style has grown significatly these past few months. I guess I need to buy clothes that reflect my grown.
My saving goals seem.. Weird lol... I don't save for my retirement at this moment. I guess I have other things to achieve before thinking of that.
So yeah, my challenge money will be growing a little slower for this semester especially that now, I have to save for my China trip. -.-" Everything will be included except my personal expense. I will watch how I spend there.
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Me,myself and I
October 8th, 2008 at 05:02 am
I'm going to China this December for about five weeks! *glup* My... GOD. A dream come true!! Aaaaaah *jumps around*
Posted in
My voyage
October 7th, 2008 at 12:13 am
I received my tax money which is 70.65$... I am confused. -.-" Wasn't I suppose to received it last summer? Weird... Ah well *Dump in the Japan trip fund* More money for my trip ^.^
Old amount: 8849$
Amount add: 70$
Total amount:8919$
1081$ to go... And I have to ask my dad where the check came from. x)
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$20 Challenge
October 3rd, 2008 at 03:05 am
My cousin told me that there is no future in the financial industry due to the market crash. We are heading for a recession... Is it true that they are cutting people who work in Finance? I do not like where this is going...
Posted in
Me,myself and I
October 1st, 2008 at 06:21 am
I brought my lunch today... Though, I was eating in my Calculus class. Mom adds more stuff to my lunch and she had the idea of giving me two chicken legs. It's the sort of barbecue kind and I had difficulty eating it because I don't want to dirty my hands.
*sigh* I have to cut it next time... I am not going to eat like a pig.
Today, I save money because I brought my lunch to school.
Posted in
Me,myself and I
September 30th, 2008 at 06:20 am
I didn't spend a dime today which is incredible!! I usually spend around 5$ per day. Today... NOT A PENNY! =D
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Me,myself and I